dijous, 30 de setembre del 2021

3. Zombie Name

1. Stand in a circle.
Resultado de imagen de funny zombie2. Joan goes around the circle having each kid loudly say his/her name as a zombie. (“Saaaarrraaaaahhhhh!”)
3. Joan chooses one student to be the “zombie”. The “zombie” walks in the middle of the circle zombie-style; arms stretched in front, head to the side.
4. Joan calls a student’s name. The zombie heads toward that student.

5. The student must try to call another student’s name before the zombie reaches him/her.
6. If the zombie is able to tag the student before he/she can call a new name, that person becomes the zombie.

dissabte, 18 de setembre del 2021

2. The Number Game

The Number Game helps actors develop their listening  skills.
Everyone stands in a circle and counts off, remembering their number.
The last person begins saying someone else's number, who then calls another else's number and so on.
1. No pausing. 
If you wait too long, you're out.
2. Don't say your own number. 
If you do, you're out.
3. Don't say a number nobody has.
4. When you're out, 
you go to the last place in the circle and become the last number.

divendres, 17 de setembre del 2021

2. Three Words

1.  Divide the class into pairs.
2. Have each pair decide on who is Player A and who is Player B.
3. Call out three words that are unrelated (i.e. “Palm Tree”, “Saturn”, “Shoelace”)
4. Player A has one minute to tell Player B a story that somehow incorporates all three of those words.
5. After the minute is up, call out three new words. Now Player B has one minute to tell Player A a story that incorporates those words.

dijous, 16 de setembre del 2021

2. English Drama Class Rules

 La classe de teatre és una mica diferent a la de la resta de les matèries. Per aquest motiu tenim unes normes una mica especials que cal seguir sempre per al bon desenvolupament de la mateixa 
Així doncs dedicarem la primera sessió a revisar les normes:

In the Drama Class I have found that the following rules are absolutely vital:
  1. The teacher is at all times the leader. Instructions, guidance and control must come from the teacher.
  2. The teacher has a "freeze" command and when this is given it is crucial that every member of the group complies.
  3. The audience must always behave well.
  4. Safety is very important. In the vast majority of activities, no physical contact is required between students.
  5. If somebody laughs at somebody else's efforts in a way designed to put them down, then that person should forfeit their right to do drama with that group.
  6. The acting space should always be clean and tidy and uncluttered.
  7. Routines should be established on how activities are set up, developed and displayed.
  8. Never force anyone to act in front of others. The best way is to start with volunteers and gently encourage others to join in.

diumenge, 12 de setembre del 2021

1. Welcome back to the English Drama Class

Benvinguts tots i totes al blog de la matèria d'English Drama de l'escola Dominiques Tarragona
En aquest espai anireu trobant la informació necessària relativa a aquesta assignatura, així com activitats, projectes i normes del curs 2021-22. 
De moment tenim el teló tancat, però ben aviat l'obrirem i començarem a treballar de valent. 
Espero que ens ho passem molt bé i aprenguem molt!
Obrim el teló el proper 13 de setembre!